Industry Presentations

Industry Presentations

We are excited to announce that WoM 2023 offers a unique platform to highlight your company’s research findings, clinical trials and pipeline.

To get maximum exposure, please choose the presentation category that suits you best.

Limited number of slots are available.

The package includes:

  • 20-min Speaking slot in the main program (+ participation in the panel discussion at the end of the session). It is a subject to approval by the Scientific Committee.
  • 1 Conference registration (for the Speaker)

Fee: 8 000 EUR* (until 3 April, 2023)
        10 000 EUR* (from 4 April, 2023)


Meta-omics techniques and integrative applications computational and statistical methods for microbiome research; The first 1000 days of life: from pregnancy to infancy in health and disease; Gut Brain axis (in memory of Prof. John Bienenstock); The forgotten members of the microbiome – mycobiome, virome, archaeome, parasitome; It’s not all about the gut: vaginal, oral and skin microbiomes in health and disease; Teasing out a mechanism: how does the microbiome contribute to disease; Influence of diet and drugs on the human microbiome; From bench to bedside – using the microbiome in clinical trials; Women’s health and the microbiome; The human microbiome and the immune system; Animal and environmental microbiomes; Other

How to apply:

Submit your speaking proposal via the speaking application form. Your proposal will undergo peer review by the Scientific Committee and you will be notified of the result via email.


This presentation format includes:

  • 10-min Oral Presentation at the Research Theatre in the Exhibition and Networking Area

Fee: 3 800 EUR* (until 3 April, 2023)
         4 500 EUR* (from 4 April, 2023)

Registration fee for the presenter is not included. Please check our Industry Registration rates here 

How to apply:

Fill in the form below and our representatives will contact you.


This presentation format includes:

  • Poster Presentation during the conference coffee breaks in the Exhibition and Networking Area (1 Poster Board to hang a printed poster)

Fee: Please check our Industry Registration rates here 

How to apply:

Submit your abstract via the abstract submission form. Your abstract will undergo peer review by the Abstract Review Committee and you will be notified about the result by email.


*The listed fees are exl. VAT and applicable VAT will be added if any.

For further information, please contact Petya Yoncheva – Industry Liaison & Sales Associate 
Tel:  +41 22 908 0488 Ext.216

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