Welcome to MFNM 2025

Welcome to MFNM 2025

Dear colleagues and friends,

In 2015, the United Nations General Assembly, redefining the objectives for global development in the new millennium (the so-called Sustainable Development Goals), kept in mind the need to improve the living conditions of women in general, with particular regard to the situation of mothers and their children. It is for this reason that one of the global goals was focused on mothers and their children. Having set the new goals, the United Nations then called for the attention and collaboration of all people of good will.

Within these objectives, we caregivers promote a new way of approaching maternal- infant care knowing that reproductive and periconceptional health enormously influences pregnancy and its outcome and that the period of pregnancy impacts not only neonatal health but that of the individual as such up to adulthood.

The International Foundation for Maternal Periconceptional and Peri- Neonatal Medicine (FIMPP)  was founded in London on 25 September 2019 with the aim not to create a new company but a scientific structure to  foster education, research and advocacy in maternal, periconceptional and neonatal medicine and care worldwide, in an integrated way, to promote and disseminate the study, research and knowledge on all aspects of maternal, periconceptional and neonatal medicine in order to attain, by all appropriate means, a higher level of physical and mental health for women, mothers, and their children by improving the quality and provision of care in the world. To achieve this goal, the Foundation’s mission is to organize an International Congress every two years. This has been accomplished with two editions held in London and then, due to the pandemia, an online edition in 2021.

After the difficult period of pandemic, it is now the time to start again to meet in large conventions where experts on the topic can update participants interested in this set of disciplines that need to be interchanged to significantly improve maternal and child health.

With the contribution and enthusiastic help of Spanish speaking and Latin American Societies, we have therefore thought about organizing a fourth renewed edition of the World Congress in the beautiful and welcoming city of Barcelona. The congress will be held between 25 and 27 February 2025 and will include not only the classic sessions on specific topics but also debates, ateliers, courses for the benefit of updating and stimulating continuous education in this sector, crucial for our society and the increasingly need of a healthy survival of our species.

With best wishes,

Prof. Gian Carlo Di Renzo

Prof. Yariv Yogev

Prof. Umberto Simeoni

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